Easy Guide To Change WiFi Password On Netgear Routers

Once in a while, I need to change the WiFi password to save ourselves from data hoggers. So today RouterGuide is going to say about how to change WiFi password on Netgear Routers. I am going to provide a general solution which can be applied to any model of Netgear Routers. So without wasting any time, let us dive deep into the settings. For easy navigation, I am going to divide the guide into three different sections. So just follow on.

Easiest Way: How to Change WiFi Password through a Browser

  • There are different ways to change the WiFi password, one of which is accessing the router settings and making changes through the browser. First of all, make sure your device is connected to the WiFi, of which you are trying to change. You can do this through your smartphone as well.
  • Secondly, open a browser and type www.routerlogin.net and hit enter. It will open the homepage of your Netgear Router. Provide the credentials like username and password. If you don’t remember these credentials, then the default username is admin and password is password. Just enter these details and log in. You should go through it.

How to Change Wifi Password

  • After that, click on Wireless in the left side of the menu and select your SSID. SSID basically means the name of your WiFi. In case you are wondering how do I change my WiFi password then here is the particular step. Switch to the security tab and enter a new password of your choice. And just click on Apply button.

How To Change Wifi Password Netgear

  • The Router will restart instantly. After the reboot, you can connect to the router with the new password. Do note that you will be instantly disconnected after changing the password. You will have to manually feed the new password to all your devices otherwise it won’t connect.

Alternative Way: How do I Change my WiFi Password through the Mobile App

  • In this method, learn how to change WiFi password Netgear Router without the need of a browser. Netgear has a simple mobile application which can be used to change the WiFi Password easily. Download the NETGEAR Mobile application from the Play Store or AppStore.
  • After installation, open it and provide the default credentials. Since you are on the same network, it will detect the router and you will be logged in without any issue. Now go to advanced settings, and look for security. Here click on Password and then edit it to your liking. Once you are done, just tap on Save Changes and exit the application.
  • The Netgear Router will reboot and then you can log in again with the new password.

Standard Issues and Fixes

  1. If the browser is unable to open www.routerlogin.net then manually type or These are the addresses without DNS so it will not have any problem redirecting to the router’s homepage.
  2. If the router is not letting you in with the default username and password then someone may have changed the password. You have to reset your router physically to restore the default credentials. Just press the reset button on the back of your router for a while and it will reset the router. After that, you can enter the default username and password and change the WiFi password accordingly. Do keep in mind, you will lose all your network configuration through this method.
  3. If after changing the password, the router does not affect the changes immediately then reboot the router manually. Just go to Advanced from the left menu and select reboot. It will ask for confirmation. Just allow it and it will reboot with the new changes.
  4. If you creating a password for the first time, then after logging in, head over to Wireless tab and select security. There, choose WPA2 PSK as security protocol and create a strong password. Usually, it should be a mix of numbers. letters and special character. After you are done generating a new password, just save it and restart the router. A new password will be set.

To Conclude

These are some handful ways you can easily change the WiFi password on Netgear Routers. All these methods will work on all models of Netgear Routers, so worry not. If you are still having doubts as to how to change WiFi password Netgear Router then, go through the guide stepwise and you will definitely find a solution. RouterGuide hopes through this instructions, I could provide simplistic steps to change the WiFi password without any problems.

Mario C. Morrissey
Mario C. Morrissey
Articles: 306