Introducing a Cheap RF Spectrum Analyzer

With the introduction of Spectrum Compact 16—26.5 GHz, the final piece of the puzzle is complete, signaling a complete switch between the two versions of Spectrum Compact. Spectrum Compact V2 is now available in the 300 MHz to 43 GHz frequency range.

Using A Spectrum Analyzer

Spectrum Compact is a field measurement tool, so we have added the “ears” for strapping the spectrum analyzer to your harness. We are not worried about Spectrum Compact falling – it can take the hit. We know that climbing the tower one more time is one time too much.

But as you know, what matters is inside–and the new version of RF spectrum analyzer Spectrum Compact confirms it. We have enhanced the precision of the tool and added many extra features.

What Is a Spectrum Analyzer Used For

  • We have enhanced frequency resolution 10 to 100 times for each of the models, which allows you to align your measurements to greater precision. You can place center and border frequencies with the precision of up to 0.01–0.1 MHz depending on the model.
  • Spectrum Compact is a sweep-tuned microwave analyzer meaning that the sweep time is the crucial parameter. We have made it over two times quicker with the introductions of the V2 model. Sweep time is now under 0.2s and can get even quicker based on the way you’ve set up measurement parameters.
  • Resolution bandwidth in Spectrum Compact V2 is switchable and can be set up as low as 10 kHz.
  • We introduce a low noise amplifier function that allows catching the faintest of signals.
  • For powerful signals which might damage the hardware of the spectrum analyzer, Spectrum Compact has a built-in attenuator varying between 0 and 30 dB of attenuation. This means you don’t need extra accessories while working with Spectrum Compact unless the signal is extremely
  • The feature we are most proud of is that Spectrum Compact allows you to store data and analyze patterns that might not be easily noticeable with the classic analyzer view. Version 2 can record the waterfall time plot. It allows you to see the full landscape of signals being recorded not only in the frequency domain but also over time. If your signal has multiple bands that may appear and disappear in time (like a Wi-Fi signal) you will see the overall structure which the human eye cannot possibly notice whilst just looking at the signal amplitudes in real-time.

Handheld Spectrum Analyzer V2

These are the most important features that are introduced with Spectrum Compact version 2. If you want to look into the full description of changes that were made, visit the webpage which describes how useful can cheap handheld microwave spectrum analyzer be.

Switching to version 2 of Spectrum Compact by no means signifies that we’ll stop improving our line of handheld spectrum analyzers. New features are coming, so make sure you subscribe to our homepage, so you will always be able to get the latest news on the Spectrum Compact development.

Mario C. Morrissey
Mario C. Morrissey
Articles: 181