Technicolor Router Login | TC8717T Router Login Instructions

Technicolor TC8717T Router is a telephony wireless modem router that supports 16 and 4 of both bonded downstream and upstream channels. The speed for downstream is around 640 Mbps downstream and 160 Mbps upstream consecutively.  

However, in order to use a technicolor modem, it is required to login to it with the correct details. This is an easy task to perform and can be accomplished in a few steps. 

How to Log into Technicolor TC8717T Router?

To perform the login for Technicolor TC8717T Router, there are usually four steps involved. Thus, make sure to follow the four steps in sequence to log into your technicolor TC8717T router successfully.

Step 1: Launch a Web Browser

The first step involves opening your web browser and typing the default IP address inside the search bar. The IP address varies with the router model you are using. The IP address for the Technicolor TC8717T router is Just click on the link to launch the default gateway. 

Step 2: Type the Default Username and Password

Once you type the IP address, a login window will appear on your screen asking you to enter the login credentials like username and password. For new users, you can use the default username and password. We have stated both for you below.

  • Default Username: admin
  • Default Password: password

Step 3: Set up the Login Details

As we all know, the default login details are easy to predict. Hence, for such scenarios, you can set both the username and password according to your preference. To do that, just go to SSID (Service Set Identifier) or Network Key option and change the already mentioned SSID  for better security.

Just like SSID, you can also change the password for your router from default to something strong but easy to remember. 

Tips To Set Up New Login Credentials

There are just a few things you need to keep in mind before selecting a new SSID or password for your Technicolor TC8717T router.

  • The new SSID decided by you should be small, simple, and easy to recall.
  • Do not try to exaggerate the SSID or it may backfire to you.
  • The SSID should not consist of any personal detail whatsoever.
  • After assigning a new SSID, make sure to jot it down somewhere safe for emergencies.
New Password
  • The password should be strong but not complicated. It should be easy to remember and must contain alphabets and numbers. 
  • Also, the length of the password should be somewhere around 8-16 characters. However, do not try to overstuff with complex elements.
New Username

If you are planning to change your username as well, you can follow the tips provided below.

  • Make sure the username you enter is simple and user-friendly.
  • Also, make sure to jot down both the username and password somewhere so that you can obtain it in case of emergencies.

Step 4: Set the Encryption Settings

Also, it is important to keep in mind that the encryption settings should be set to WPA2-PSK. Currently, this is the industry standard and signifies that your router is running under excellent security. 

Troubleshooting Problems Related To Technicolor TC8717T Router Login

While performing a login, users may confront different problems that need troubleshooting. Let’s take a look into some of the problems that occur during the process and see how it can be resolved.

Problem 1: Forgot Password to Technicolor TC8717T Router

Solution: Out of all, the most common issue among router users is its password. Most of them forget the password. In case of such scenarios, check if you have written the password somewhere. If not, then you can go to ISP forums to obtain a new set of default passwords. Otherwise, you can just reset your router.

Problem 2: Technicolor TC8717T Password Doesn’t Work

Solution: if you are noticing that the password is not working or showing invalid, there are chances that the entered password is either wrong or has been changed by someone. Keep in mind that the default password for Technicolor TC8717T is admin. 

However, if the password is changed by you or some others and you are unable to recall it, try resetting the router. 

Problem 3: How to Reset the Technicolor TC8717T Router to Default Settings?

Solution: As we keep talking about router reset, let’s take a look into how this process can be performed. Here are the steps you need to follow.

  • Turn on the router (if not already) and utilize a pin or paper clip to press the reset button. Press the button for around 30 seconds.
  • Press and hold the reset button and disconnect the router power plug slowly. Again, hold the reset button for another 30 seconds.
  • Keep pressing the reset button and turn on the power for your router. Now, hold the router reset button for another 30 seconds. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the IP Address for Technicolor Router?

As mentioned earlier, in order to perform a login, you need to enter the IP address. Now when it comes to Technicolor router, most of them use the default IP address This is usually required while accessing the web interface of the Technicolor router configuration.

What is the WPS Button on Technicolor Router?

WPS stands for Wi-Fi Protected Setup. It is basically used for connecting wireless devices to the internet in an easy way. Besides, with a WPS button, you will not be required to provide other details like network name, encryption, and other details. The WPS button is excellent and easy to use if your router has one.

How Can I Test My Modem?

To Test your Modem, you can follow the steps given below in sequence.

  • Go to Start and then click on Control Panel. Select the “Phone and Modem” and go to the “Modems” tab.
  • You will see a list of modems appearing on your screen, choose your Modem and click on Properties.
  • Again, go to the Diagnostics tab and then select “Query Modem”. In doing so, Windows will check and test the modem for any errors.
Taylor Green
Taylor Green
Articles: 276