6 Expert Ways to Secure Your Home Network from Hackers

Nowadays, everyone owns a WiFi router with a stable internet connection. Apart from your family enjoying seamless access to the internet, a question can easily crop up; Is my home network safe? As the WiFi network can pass through your wall, if anyone gets hold of the password, then there is a high chance of danger looming around. 

In such cases, you must take some steps in making necessary changes to protect your network. If not, then you can face major security threats by unauthorized access. In addition to that, you can also restrict access to certain devices. 

Methods to Secure your Home Network

There is an enormous number of methods by which you can secure your home network. But, you must follow the best ones for effective results. So, let’s check them out: 

1. Create a Complicated Password

Whenever you are sharing your WiFi password with someone else, they can easily enter into your home network. Thus, for the sake of your data safety, you have to create a strong password. The absolute best move is to create a password of 13 to 20 characters. The password must contain uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, special characters, and symbols. For your purpose, you can write it down somewhere safe. If someone’s intention is to get through your password, he/she will never be able to do it. 

2. Change your password frequently

When you cannot say no and have to give your password to many people, then it is better to change it frequently. When everyone’s browsing session is over, delete the previous password, and create a new password of a minimum of 20 characters. In this way, you will be able to maintain the optimum security of your home network. 

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3. Alter the admin credentials

Open your router’s setup page and access the admin account by applying the login credentials. These login credentials are provided by the router manufacturer itself. The built-in ID and password are easy to grasp owing to minimum security. That is why you have to change and re-create it on your own. Find a good username and create a complicated long password to ensure safety. 

4. Change the name of your Network

As all the WiFi signals can bypass the concrete walls, anyone can catch your network signal and this can be a good option for hackers. So, in order to fool them, you can change the name of your network. In doing so, they will not be able to understand which network you are using. This is one of the most simple ways to protect your network privacy. 

You can do this by accessing the router home page. Open the page with the help of your system’s default browser and look for the “SSID” name. After finding it, edit the previous name and write a new one. Save the changes by clicking on “OK” or “Save” and close the page. After that, restart the router. 

5. Strong Encryption of WiFi 

There are a huge number of free WiFi hacking tools that have the ability to bypass weakly encrypted router functions. In addition to that, they can also modify your online activities. There are three types of WiFi protection systems in the router for secure data upload and download: WEP, WPA, and WPA 2. 

Amongst these three, you will use the WPA2. WPA 2 stands for WiFi Protected Access version 2. If your router has the WPA 2 AES encryption, then it will be much better for your router in terms of security. This encryption method is impossible to crack for any type of malicious tools or hackers as well. 

6. Switch of Plug n Play feature 

This feature is present in most of the routers as a universal applicator method. This feature helps the routers to discover your home network faster. In addition to that, it also helps your device to communicate with the firmware and its updates. The common term is Plug n Play, but the technical term is UPnP. This UPnP helps the intruders by providing a channel for hackers. 

All you need to do is to turn off the UPnP capabilities from the router home page settings. If your router has the UPnP compatibility feature, turn it off as well. This will block all unauthorized access in your private network. Moreover, your network will be much safer from the DDoS network attack, from various outside countries.

Taylor Green
Taylor Green
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