– A Complete Process To Router IP Address

The networking industry has some complex naming conventions. For starters, is a highly used address in networking circles. If you are wondering what this address means and what it points to, do not worry I will explain in details here. You will go through every aspect of routers in this article discussing naming schemes, router IP address, firmware and lot more. So let us have a look at the significance of IP address.

Significance of

By the very definition of network, it means there are multiple devices interconnected to each other hence creating a network. Every device in a network is called an endpoint. So when a data packet is transmitted from one endpoint to another, then it requires an address to identify the endpoint, track and eventually transfer the data packet.

Every endpoint in a network is assigned an address which is also called IP address. Standalone devices like mobile phones, computers can access the network but can’t distribute an internet source to multiple devices further. So it has limited capability and it is assigned a dynamic IP address which is provided by the DHCP server.

However, routers can distribute data packets in an orderly fashion to multiple devices without breaking a sweat. So it is assigned a static IP address which does not change throughout the network traffic. The static IP address helps the devices connected to the router to easily request and retrieve data without any issue of duplication or ambiguity. Hence, a universal is assigned to routers so that network device can detect the router and have flawless communication. In essence, is a unique, universal IP address which is assigned to routers irrespective of the manufacturers to maintain uniformity in huge network infrastructure.

Steps to Login into

  1. There are quite easy ways you can access from your PC or mobile phone. However, it is recommended that you use a wired connection through the PC for a solid connection. Just connect your router to the PC using an Ethernet cable.
  2. Next, open a web browser on your PC. Type into the URL bar and it will open the router login page without any issue. Thereafter, you can proceed with the default username and password and it will let you access the advanced settings.
  3. Unlike the IP address, username and password can be different for every manufacturer. Generally, the username is admin and password is password. Nonetheless, below we have listed down different IP addresses and default username and password so that you can easily navigate to all the information at one place.

Router IP Address And Default Credentials

While the IP address is static, it can vary slightly with different manufacturers. For example, some manufacturers choose to have IP address for all its routers. Some other manufacturers have or

All these are valid addresses and differs with various manufacturers. One thing that is common across all the routers is that the address starts with 192.168 to identify as a router, static IP address. This way network engineers can diagnose and provide support easily. Now let us see what are the different router IP address and their default username and password.

Steps to Change Router Default Username and Password

Routers have default username and password which is set by their manufacturers. Sometimes, for security reasons, users want to change the default credentials. For example, if the password is the same and is known because of its universality, an attacker can easily snoop into your router and can intercept the data packets. So it is advised to change the default settings so that you remain secure.

The first step is to log in through the IP address which can be or may differ with manufacturers. Next, enter the default username and password and click on login button. Thereafter, look for Admin Management in the left pane and then select Admin Controls. There, you will see the Password section. Go through the link and it will let you change the password to your preference. Enter a strong password and click on Save Changes. The router will reboot and now it is protected with your own password.

Steps to Enable Password for WiFi

In the admin panel, go to wireless settings, and click on Security. There you will see your router’s name which is also called SSID technically. Give a name to your WiFi and select WPA2PSK under security protocol.

Enter a strong password and click on the Apply button. The router will restart and you will have a password protected WiFi with a customized SSID.

Common Issues and Fixes

At times, users come across some issues while accessing IP address. Here I am going to talk about the easy fixes. To begin with, make sure you have connected the router with an Ethernet cable.

Open My Computer and go to the Network tab. Your PC will detect all network devices connected to your PC and will offer the names. Double click on your router and it will open the login page.

If it is not working at all then you may have to reset your router to factory default settings. Press and hold the reset button at the back of your router for a while and it will reset itself to default settings. After that, you can proceed with the login process through IP address. Important to note here, you will lose all your network settings through this method. So keep a backup in place before proceeding.


This article hopes to summarize everything related to routers in easy and lucid language. In case, you face any issue with IP address then check the fix section for alternative ways. I hope you found this article informative and helpful.

Mario C. Morrissey
Mario C. Morrissey
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