Resolve Heroku Router at=error code=h12 with 3 Easy Solutions

The Heroku router at=error code=h12 is actually the issue that takes place when the network request is timed out. Of course, there are several reasons behind it. When you request anything to the master server of a particular website, it takes a few seconds to complete the process. When the few seconds exceeds to few minutes, then there is a high possibility of the request timing out. 

Before heading on to the solutions, you must get a detailed understanding of router logs. With the help of these logs, you can track what went wrong. In addition to that, you will also notice the track of the request timed out on a certain website. Without wasting any further time, let’s begin with the Heroku router logs. 

The Heroku Router Logs, A Brief Introduction

You can log in to the Heroku router in a modular way. The modular way means gathering all the data and metrics easily. But, what is the role of router logs? Logs are nothing but time-stamped events. In other words, it is the history of the router’s activities – System components, backing up services, high-end performance are part of the router logs. 

Get to know the Common Issues of Router Logs

Not all the router logs are correct, they also face several issues. In addition to that, some logs also reflect some error codes that you need to fix. The 404 Not found error takes place for accessing the invisible paths. Actually, the paths don’t actually exist. The only solution is to change or replace those paths. In case of missing files, you have to add them. 

The server error 500 or 500 server error, both are the same. This error occurs when there is a bug in the Heroku router application. Furthermore, the bug can be present in the router firmware. The straightforward solution is to examine all the logs and look for any internal error. If possible, update the router firmware. 

Solution for Heroku router at=error code=h12

Here are all the best and effective solutions to fix the issue. Performing the solutions might get complex. So, it is better to get through them carefully. 

Solution 1: Add a Manual Time-out 

The addition of a manual time-out has a greater chance of eliminating the Heroku router at=error code=h12. For every web programming language, you can add the time-out manually. For node.js (javascript) get the time-out module. After the successful installation, it will raise a response time-out exception. Thus, it will allow you to add a manual time-out. 

For PHP, open the router management page and select its edit mode. Set the maximum execution time to php.ini. This will add the manual time-out to 30 seconds, not more than that. Regarding the Python programming language, there is a tool named Gunicorn. Add the time-out and set it to 30 seconds. Lastly, for Ruby, there is also a tool named rack-timeout gem. Use the manual time-threshold to rack::timeouterror exception. 

Solution 2: Debugging the Request Timeout Transactions 

First, you have to trace all the transactions that have a maximum response time of at least 99%. The entire ping time must be less than 500 microseconds. Identify all the transactions carefully. Check if all of them are receiving the same throughput or not. In addition to that, you must also keep track of the average response time. There are several monitoring tools available. You may use the full potential of the tools to debug the request timed-out transactions. Hopefully, after that, the Heroku router at=error code=h12 will not occur. 

Solution 3: Eliminate Slow DBMS

A few functions of the Heroku application need the assistance of the main or client-server. If the main DBMS is running slow, then there is nothing you can do but wait. In case the client-server is creating an issue, you might restart the entire DBMS and check whether the Heroku router at=error code=h12 is still persisting or not. 

Other Ways to Eliminate the Issue

A few users will suggest resetting the router and reconfiguring the device from scratch. Well, it is a good way to resolve the Heroku router at=error code=h12. You will opt for resetting only if the previous methods fail to work. Other than that, you can optimize the web currency with the help of the Heroku router. 

First, gather all the necessary baseline metrics. After that, opt for the calculation of the resource usage. Bring out all the statistics that will help you in calculating web currency. The rest lie upon the adjustment and testing of the concurrent settings of the Heroku router. 

Taylor Green
Taylor Green
Articles: 276