Chromecast not Working on your TV: 8 Methods to Fix Issue

Google Chromecast is the most supportive device for home entertainment purposes. The contents of the device are Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime and many more. What if Chromecast not working on your TV? It’s a quite frustrating experience that you can face while you sit down to watch your favourite movie or a TV show. 

Certain reasons are freezing of the device, network congestion, outdated Chromecast firmware and others. If you are using a smart TV, then the OS might face some issues. So, you need to investigate the matter properly before moving on to the solutions. 

Let’s make the Google Chromecast Free from Errors

Before proceeding towards the solutions, make sure that all the connections are in the correct order. In addition to that, check all the HDMI cables. If there is any wear and tear, then immediately replace it with a new one. Now, head towards the solutions. 

1. The WiFi Network Connection

When the Chromecast not working, there might be issues with the Wi-Fi or the internet connection. It might happen that you have changed the password of the Wi-Fi. Navigate to the router dashboard and check whether the password is the same or not. After applying the same password if the issue is not resolved, then there might be some issues with the network. 

Connect the Ethernet cable to the computer to detect any issue going on. Regarding any critical conditions, contact the ISP for further assistance. 

2. Cover up the Lack of Frequency

When the router frequency faces a topsy-turvy situation, a situation might arise where Chromecast not working. It seems that your home is quite big enough. And, that is why you need an extender. Make sure you follow all the instructions and then configure the extender. After that synchronize with the router. Hopefully, this will work. 

3. Eliminate any type of loose Connections

The best possible chances of a loose connection can only be associated with the HDMI cable. So, after connecting the device to the TV, the Chromecast not working issue might take place. The dedicated HDMI cable that comes along with the Chromecast is the best but has greater chances to create the problem of loose connection due to the short length. So, you need to get a pretty long HDMI cable, to eliminate the chances of loose connections. 

4. Remove all the Issues with the Router 

It seems that you have found some serious problems with the router. And, that is why Chromecast not working. The one and only solution to the problem is to reset or format the router. This process will take back the router to its default factory condition. Gather a straightened paper clip and find out the reset button. Press and hold the button with the clip for 10 seconds. Then, the router will restart and reset automatically. After that, re-configure the device and connect the Chromecast. Hopefully, you will not face any issue. 

5. Reset Google Chromecast 

According to the expert analysis, the resetting process might vary, depending on the device version. There are basically three different types of Chromecast available — Google Chromecast 1st, 2nd generation and Chromecast Ultra. No matter which version you use, there must be a reset button. As usual, long press the reset button for 10 seconds. Unfortunately, if there is no reset button available, then the Google Home application will help you to reset the device. 

6. The Correct Network Band 

Most of the routers operate dual-bands. One is the 2.4 GHz to support low-frequency devices and the other is 5 GHz to support high-frequency devices. Google Chromecast is compatible with a frequency of 2.4 GHz. So, navigate to the router management page and check whether the frequency is set to 2.4 GHz or not. 

7. The Router’s New Firmware

Outdated firmware can result in Chromecast not working. It generally affects the working procedure of the device by not transmitting data packets properly. Navigate to the router manufacturer support page and check for firmware updates. If any updates are available, then download them. When the router’s firmware gets its new version, hopefully, it will not create any issue in the Chromecast streaming. 

8. Eliminate issues with the Routing Channels

The network channels in the router help in transferring data to the device. Furthermore, the channel compatibility algorithm also helps Chromecast to stream. In the case there is a channel mismatch, the issue of Chromecast not working might take place. So, you have to make the correct choice regarding the automatic channel selection. 

Navigate to the router dashboard and then to the network settings. After that, find out the channel field and set the function to Auto. Now, save the changes by clicking on the Apply button. Reconnect the Chromecast and check whether the device is streaming or not. 

Let’s Set up Chromecast Properly 

It seems that you have eliminated the Chromecast not working issue, once and for all. Now, let’s set up the device properly, once again. Plugin the device with the help of the HDMI port to your TV. After that, turn on the HDMI feature. Grab your mobile device and open the Google Home app. Before that, don’t forget to connect the smartphone or the tablet to the internet. 

When the Chromecast application appears on the TV, read all the following instructions carefully. After that proceed further step-by-step. After finishing the task, you need to add the device to the Google Home application, choose “Add”. After adding the device, you can now manage all the functions of the Chromecast. 

Chromecast not Showing up on Google Home. What to do?

When you tap on “Add” in the Google Home application, often it might happen that nothing shows up. This means that the application is unable to detect the device. In such cases, you need to re-install the Google Home application. If this does not work, then restart the Chromecast. Surely, the device will show up on the mobile device. 

Mario C. Morrissey
Mario C. Morrissey
Articles: 266