How To Find the PS3 IP Address (Complete Guide)

The IP address is basically a unique set of numbers assigned by the router you are using. Each router has its own IP address. This is why finding the IP address is necessary as well as a bit difficult for the users using routers. 

Often fixing a few problems related to your router requires an IP address. Hence, if you failed to obtain IP address, then this is the perfect place you are in.

Here, we are going to state some amazing methods following which you can easily sort out your doubts and find the PS3 IP address on your own.

How to Assign an IP Address in your Router Manually?

A few routers have handy features where users can assign a permanent IP address to their PS3 router. In such instances, no changes are needed in your PS3 console. Here, we are going to state the steps that help you to assign an IP address in your router.

The very first thing you have to do is to choose the Settings icon from the PS3 dashboard. After that, navigate to the System Settings tab and click on it. Now, choose the System Information from the resultant window.

Stay on this page and select both the IP Address and MAC Address. You have to write down these numbers for future reference.

Then, you have to log in to your router and assign your PS3 to that IP address. Once you have set your PS3, you should verify the connection to check it is working or not.

Now, choose the Settings tab from the PS3 dashboard. Then, choose Network Settings from the present tab. Select Internet Connection Test and check the internet speed as well. Now, you have assigned an IP permanently to your PS3.

Setup a Static IP Address in PS3

By any chance, if your router does not allow you to assign an internal IP address manually, then follow the steps that are stated in this segment.

The first and foremost thing you have to do is to find the IP address, gateway and subnet mask. After that, navigate to the PS3 Home screen and tap on the Settings icon. Then, choose the Network Settings tab and click on the Settings and Connection Status List.

Stay on this page to find the IP address, Subnet Mask, and Default Router. Here you can find the numbers showing in the respective fields.

Write down these numbers and then navigate to the login page. Once you have done the login process, note the DHCP range as well. After that, write down a number between 2 and 254.

Next, tap on the Windows Start button and click on the search box. Type cmd in it and press down the Enter button. Then, look for the cmd.exe that you can find at the top of the menu bar. 

Now, in the black window, you have to type “ping” and click on the space bar. Now, write down the IP address you desire to verify. Once again click on Enter. Now, it’s time to choose the Settings icon and locate Network Settings as well. After that, select Internet Connection Settings and confirm the page by clicking on Yes.

Tap on OK to proceed with the next step. Now, click on Custom and choose the Wireless option. Then, choose the operation mode and tap on the Manual Settings tab.

Then, navigate to the IP Address Settings page and tap on the Manual icon. Enter a new IP address in the IP address page and press the Enter button.

Equally, write down the Default Router address. You also have to enter a Primary and Secondary DNS. if you want to save the changes, then press down the X button and click on Automatic icon.

Now, turn off the UPnP. Then, click on the Test Connection tab. And finally, you have successfully set a static IP as well.


We are sure enough that the above article has definitely helped you to find the PS3 IP address. Hence you have to follow all the methods stated here.

Never overlook any steps as well. But anyhow if you are still in confusion regarding the same problem, then we suggest you get in touch with tech experts who will help you further.

Also, if you are not a tech-savvy person, then do not perform any extra methods apart from the solutions stated in this article.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why does my PS3 fail to obtain IP address?

The old network information that can cause connection issues could be cached on your PS3. Go to Settings\Network Settings\Internet connection and choose “Simple” configuration.

How do I assign a static IP address to my PS3?

Go to your PS3 menu’s Settings option.
Click Network Parameters > Connection List and Settings.
Please note on a piece of paper the subnet mask, IP address and default router.
Go back to the Settings > Connection Configuration for the Internet.
Press Ok.

Why will PS3 not connect to Internet?

Disable the PS3 Proxy Server to resolve this problem.

Mario C. Morrissey
Mario C. Morrissey
Articles: 181