Do Radiation Wi-Fi Routers and Modems Emit Safe for Humans?

Wireless routers or modems have low radiofrequency radiation emission levels. World Health Organisation (WHO) stated that the radiation from the Wi-Fi equipment isn’t harmful to human health. However, you must keep the device at a safe distance to minimize the radiation exposure. 

Which type of radiation does the modem or router emit? It emits non-ionizing radiation, which can’t ionize atoms or molecules, reducing the chances of damaging DNA or causing cell mutations. Government agencies impose strict rules to keep the RF radiation level safe.

ICNIRP has also created guidelines to reduce RF radiation exposure on modems and routers. They have made these guidelines after thorough research, ensuring public health safety. So, you can use a wireless router or modem without health concerns in your home/office.

Let’s learn about Wi-Fi routers and modems’ radiation and the easy ways to reduce the exposure:

Can You Experience Health Issues for Keeping the Wi-Fi Router or Modem at a 5-meter distance?

Many people avoid staying in a house near the cell towers because they emit electromagnetic radiation. It increases the EMF sensitivity and risk of critical diseases like cancer. Recent studies reveal that individuals who live within 100 meters of a cell tower have more health problems.

A mobile phone tower has the same radiation emission level as a Wi-Fi router or modem. The Wi-Fi equipment at a 5-meter distance emits similar RF radiation to the phone tower, which is 150 meters away.

Non-ionizing radiation on Wi-Fi equipment causes headaches, dizziness, nausea, and concentration difficulties. Government and public bodies are regulating or banning Wi-Fi in public places and educational institutions.

How Much Electromagnetic Radiation a Wi-Fi Router and Modem Emit?

Wi-Fi routers and modems emit radiofrequency radiation in a low-gigahertz frequency. Wireless routers have below 1 V/m radiation exposure level. On the other hand, modems emit an electromagnetic radiation level between 300 and 400 THz. 

The danger from Wi-Fi routers or modems depends on several factors, like age, device duration, and overall health condition. Additionally, the Wi-Fi EMF exposure rate is a crucial factor in determining how risky the radiation is for your health.

Health Effects of Wi-Fi Routers and Modems

Wireless routers and modems don’t pose any health risks. Thus, millions of schools, colleges, and commercial centers provide Wi-Fi access to people. However, your body might absorb the radiation if the Wi-Fi router or modem is close to you. 

The amount of radiofrequency EMF your body will absorb depends on:

  • The wireless signal strength
  • the distance between you and the Wi-Fi modem/router

Wi-Fi users don’t need to take safety precautions based on the Canadian safety limits. It is safe to use and has no adverse health effects. Whether you have a 5G router or a DSL modem, you don’t need to keep them 100 meters away. Place them near the Wi-Fi-enabled devices to enjoy high-speed internet services.

Some people have experienced the following physical symptoms from Wi-Fi radiation:

  • Ringing in the ears
  • Insomnia
  • Numbness 
  • Tingling sensation

Where Should You Place the Wi-Fi Router and Modem to Reduce the RF Radiation Exposure?

The World Health Organization or government agencies have not specified a safe distance to place the routers or modems. Moreover, the EMF emission frequency varies from one wireless router or modem to another. 

A 10-40 feet distance is ideal for a home wireless router. It will prevent the harmful radiation from entering your body. Remember that the EMF radiation from the routers can pass through your home walls. So, we recommend that people sensitive to EMFs take extra precautions.

How to Reduce the Wi-Fi Radiation Exposure from Your Wireless Router and Modem?

Some people worry about the RF radiation emission from the Wi-Fi routers and modems, though they are 100% safe. If you are one of those who is concerned about the Wi-Fi radiation, follow these preventive measures:

1. Switch to a Wired Connection

Use an Ethernet cable to establish a secure internet connection on your computer. Wired connections like this reduce RF radiation exposure. However, before plugging it in, you must check whether the Ethernet cable is compatible with your computer. 

2. Turn off the Wi-Fi Router and Modem

Children are more vulnerable to radiofrequency radiation than adults. Minimize the RF radiation exposure by turning off the Wi-Fi router and modem when you don’t need internet access. 

Disconnect the router’s power cables from the wall outlet. Remove the Ethernet cable from the router’s and PC port. Unplug the power cord from your Wi-Fi modem to turn it off. Place them far from the place where you sleep. Furthermore, you should turn off the home appliances at night to reduce the radiation exposure.

Should You Use a Wi-Fi Kill Switch?

Consider using an internet or Wi-Fi kill switch for your router or modem. It provides the best protection against EMF radiation. This device lets you turn off all the Wi-Fi routers or modems with a single switch when unnecessary. 

3. Modify Your Wi-Fi Router or Modem Settings

You can change several router or modem settings to reduce RF radiation exposure. Users can easily modify the configuration from the Wi-Fi equipment’s web interface. 

Find the device’s default IP address, username, and password to access the web GUI. Open a browser, enter the Wi-Fi router or modem’s default IP address, and press Enter. Write the username and password when the login page opens. 

Hit the Enter button or tap on “Login” to change the following settings:

Power Output

The “Power Output” option is on the Wi-Fi equipment’s wireless settings page. Manufacturers set the power output to 100% always. Changing it by 20% will reduce the high-frequency Wi-Fi radiation exposure.

Turn off a Channel on Dual-band Routers

Dual-band routers have a higher radiation emission level than the single-band routers. Thus, open the router manual and check if it has 2 channels – 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. If yes, disable the channel from the device’s web interface. 

Consider using the 2.4 GHz band on your home router. The lower the bandwidth frequency, the lower the risk of health hazards. Moreover, you can switch to a single-band router if you have an old or damaged dual-band router.

Alternative Ways to Reduce the Wi-Fi Router or Modem Radiation Exposure

You must use a router guard to block the RF radiation from moving from one room to another. However, this device can cause an internet drop issue on the connected computer or phone. 

Consider switching to an Eco Wi-Fi router or modem to reduce the radiation exposure on your home or office. The latest models lower the EMF frequency to 0% in the Standby mode and when no devices are connected. So, choose the best safety measure to avoid critical health diseases while using the Wi-Fi router or modem. 

Taylor Green
Taylor Green
Articles: 276